Wellen Schlagen (Making Waves)
further dates:
28. September 2024
2. Oktober 2024
3. Oktober 2024
4. Oktober 2024
5. Oktober 2024
11. Oktober 2024
12. Oktober 2024
13. Oktober 2024
Making Waves: an impulse meets water; water carries the movement further; and somewhere else the effect unfolds. Five performers flood a room like waves. One door spits them out as ever new characters, they swirl, stumble, grind and circle their paths, and are sucked in again by the second door. Following each other, chasing each other - all the time.
Virginia Woolf loved writing about water. She compared nature and the development of humanity with the coming and going of waves on a beach. Fragments of language from “The Waves” (1931) accompany the choreography. Like the bodies, Woolf's gaze circles and wanders, between rational observation and subjective interpretation: textures, colours, distracted thinking in a world full of technological progress.
Leuenberger, Martini and Schwald examine forms and aspects of being connected. Ghyslaine Gau, Lene Juretzka, Tom Bartels, Julian Bender and Richard Fuchs sometimes move through the space as a swarm, sometimes as a parade, then again they remain close together with their eyes closed, with only the warm breath of the others as a guide. While they feed the choreographic flow as changing figures, highlights emerge on individuals, on possible joys and longings, on destinies and dilemmas, on togetherness and exclusion. The same word always serves as their anchor and compass: Now. Now. Now.
Besetzung / Produktion
artistic direction: Lea Martini, Chris Leuenberger, Marcel Schwald
ensemble: Ghyslaine Gau, Lene Juretzka, Tom Bartels, Julian Bender, Richard Fuchs
costumes: Magdalena Fauck
musik: Dennis Deter
assistent: Ingo Zeising
Thanks to: Elina Finkel, Viola Monsignori, Ute Niessner
Production: Neue Bühne Senftenberg