Weia! Waga! - A Wagner Sideshow


Do, 14. September 2023, 21.30h
Do, 21. September 2023, 21.30h
Do, 28. September 2023, 21.30h
Do, 05. Oktober 2023, 21.30h


People of public interest from the fields of politics, economics, diversity, athletics and history discussed with us about topics which appear in Wagners oeuvre and in current society alike.

Richard Wagners Opera Cycle "Der Ring des Nibelungen" has a pretext: so when the patriarch of gods, Wotan, got bored with the right of the strongest, he tore a piece of root from the World Tree, carving on it new laws. These evoke, as the drama unfolds, serious discussions about power, money, gender and belonging. Taking such questions as a starting point, we go into late night talks with invited guests as well as with artists who are part of the "Ring Festival"s productions. With music contributions from Les Reines Prochaines (queerfeminist artist band).

Thu, 14. September, 21:30: With Henri Michel Yéré (Historian, Diversity-Coach a.o. at Novartis and cultural institutions such as Kaserne Basel) and Monika Gintersdorfer, Sniper & Ted Gaier, artists in the production "Der Yopougon-Ring"

Thu, 21. September, 21:30: With Jörg Scheller (Art historian, Athlete and Metal Musician) 

Thu, 28. September, 21:30: With Mascha Madörin (Economist) & Sascha Bitterli (Performer for «Gold, Glanz und Götter»)

Thu, 5. Oktober, 21:30: With Leandra Bias (Politologist and Researcher in the field of Anti-Feminism)

Besetzung / Produktion

Concept / Talks: Jonas Gillmann, Marcel Schwald 
Musical Interventions: Les Reines Prochaines (Fränzi Madörin, Muda Mathis, Sus Zwick)

Commissioned by: Theater Basel