Let's sing Arbeiterin


Further Shows: 
24.-27. January 2019, Kaserne Basel
7.-9. February 2019, Gessnerallee Zürich
20./22./23. February 2019, Tojo Theater Reitschule Bern
16. November 2019, Festsaal Kreutzberg Berlin
4./5. December 2019, Kaserne Basel
20.-22. February 2020, Schwankhalle Bremen
7. February 2021, Theater Chur
7.-9. May 2021, Ruhrfestspiele Recklinghausen


This means music and discourse about the workers' movement and the history of (female*) workers. It includes other battles and discussions which were held on the way to high capitalism. The discoursive revue spans from avalanche-ballads to hunger-chorals, analytic disco to emancipation-rumba, militant hits and euphoric techno.
Daringly speedy, images of working class women and men shoot through propaganda filters, be it communist or capitalist. Personalities from our family albums come alive and superimpose with projections for a bright future. All performers have their own experiences with professional multitasking, occupational illness, hard graft and honorary posts. The amount of all the above nourishes songs, texts and dances. From ideology to choreography. From I to We, from We to I. From individual thinking into shared space, into movement, into action. We're never poor, as long as we're not isolated!

Besetzung / Produktion

Music, Songs, Text, Choreography and Performance: Lukas Acton, Sibylle Aeberli, Michèle Fuchs, Sibylle Hauert, Chris Hunter, David Kerman, Fränzi Madörin, Muda Mathis, Chris Regn, Marcel Schwald, Dorothea Schürch, Sus Zwick

Sound: Susanne Affolter
Light: Anna Wohlgemut
Direction Music: Sibylle Aeberli, David Kerman
Video: Sus Zwick
Photographs and Graphic Design: Lukas Acton
Props: Chris Hunter
Production Manager: Fränzi Madörin

Coproduction Kaserne Basel, Gessnerallee Zürich

Supported by: Fachausschuss Tanz & Theater BL/BS, Pro Helvetia, Christoph Merian Stiftung, Stiftung Edith Maryon, Ernst Göhner Stiftung, Migros Aare u.a.